Tuesday, July 31, 2012

MLM Lead Generation System

Automate MLM lead Generation
The volume of your downline will have the most important influence on how much money you make in an MLM business. After all, MLM is a numbers game and residual income is what makes you rich. So if you really want to hit the big time, you need as many people as possible on your team. Yes, it can get as simple as that, and a simple yet effective way to start is to set up an automated MLM lead generation system.

How to Automate Lead Generation
Automating MLM lead generation is possible with the use of software that is meant to make the process faster and more effective. This program can either be based online or installed directly on the person’s computer. It is said that an online lead generation system is more efficient because it can be integrated with other MLM lead generation capabilities offered by the Internet, such as real time tracking of prospects’ activities, email marketing, etc. In any case, it is best to study a lead generation program thoroughly before using it so as to enjoy its full benefits.

Components of an Effective MLM Lead Generation System
First, an MLM lead generation system must have a lead capture page where an MLM marketer makes an offer and people get to leave their contact information. Second, the system must have an autoresponder, a program that sends pre-written responses to inquiries from people who are interested. Third, the system must include a contact manager which allows the recruiter to group contacts according to what action is needed next. Finally, the system must have a tracker that allows the recruiter to monitor the online activities of prospects to help in determining the level of interest that these people might have on the offered program.
Traditional vs. Automated Lead Generation
Traditional lead generation still has its merits. A recruiter comes up to people and ask them personally to join the team. Personal rapport can be built on both sides and that is good for any MLM business. The problem is, competition in the industry is great, and it is simply impossible to climb to the top without the use of tools that are being employed by most MLM achievers. With an automated lead generation system, a recruiter can target larger numbers of prospects over a shorter period of time, recruit more members faster and survive the competition. This is why automated systems have become very popular among MLM recruiters today.

Can You Really Leave It All to the System?
Automating MLM lead generation means relying significantly on software or programs that allow the marketer to manage the recruitment process more efficiently. However, it is ridiculous to say that the system can be left all to itself. For example, it is silly to rely completely on autoresponders because there will always be questions or concerns that cannot be addressed by generic responses. So no, an automated lead generation system cannot be left to work on its own, but yes, it can cut the work of recruiting prospects and increase overall productivity for the recruiter through each phase of the process.

There are many MLM lead generation software packages available in the market, but they do not necessarily give the same level of satisfaction to the user. If you are looking for one, understand your business well and know your exact needs before choosing which package is right for you.

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